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Influence of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Influenza and SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination Willingness Among Dutch Nursing Home Health Care Workers

Lisa M. Kolodziej, Kelly C. Paap, Laura W. van Buul, Sacha D. Kuil, Cees M.P.M. Hertogh, Menno D. de Jong

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Improving personal continuity in general practice: a focus group study

Lex Jj GrootEsther JanssenMarjan J WestermanHenk J SchersJako S BurgersMartin SmalbruggeAnnemarie A UijenHenriëtte E van der HorstOtto R Maarsingh

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Navigating Dilemmas on Advance Euthanasia Directives of Patients with Advanced Dementia

Djura O. Coers, Eefje M. Sizoo, Maryam Bloemen,  Marike E. de Boer, Agnes van der Heide, Cees M.P.M. Hertogh, Carlo J.W. Leget, Trynke Hoekstra , Martin Smalbrugge

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The frequency and types of resident relocations in Dutch nursing homes: a nationwide cohort study of electronic health record data

Schreuder MC, Joling KJ, Groen WG, Perry M, Landeweer EGM, Luijendijk HJ, Zuidema SU

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A qualitative focus group study on legal experts’ views regarding euthanasia requests based on an advance euthanasia directive

D. O. Coers , S. H. Scholten, M. E. de Boer, E. M. Sizoo, M. A. J. M. Buijsen, B. J. M. Frederiks, C. J. W. Leget and C. M. P. M. Hertogh

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Improving personal continuity in general practice: a focus group study

Lex Jozef Johannes Groot , Esther Janssen , Marjan Westerman, Henk Schers , Jako S Burgers, Martin Smalbrugge , Annemarie A Uijen , Henriëtte van der Horst, Otto R Maarsingh

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Palliatieve zorg bij mensen met dementie

Eefje Sizoo, Annegreet Betlem, Gaby van Dijk, Jenny van der Steen

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The effect of current antithrombotic therapy on mortality in nursing home residentents with COVID-19: a multicentre retrospective cohort study

Firdaouss Boutkourt, Thijs van Haaps, Reneé Brüggemann, Soeraija Bhoelan, Hugo Ten Cate, Marieke J H A Kruip, Bart Spaetgens, Nick van Es, Tineke Roest, Karlijn J Joling, Karina Meijer en Jacqueline Hugtenburg

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Covid in een ‘psychiatrisch verpleeghuis’: een exploratief onderzoek

J.E. van Wulfften Palthe, K.J. Joling, F. Wouters, D.S. Everaerd, A. Schellekens, J. Zinkstok, W. Cahn, I. Tendolkar, D. Visser, D.C. Cath, S. Straathof, R.M. Kok

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”Threat people with human dignity”: the perspective of older adults on the quality of geriatric rehabilitation

Anne L Lubbe, Julia Schellekens, Margriet C Pol, Wim G Groen, Bianca M Buurman, Cees M P M Hertogh en Marjon van Rijn

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Minder antibiotica voor mogelijke urineweginfecties bij kwetsbare ouderen

Lisa Powaga, Esther Hartman, Tamara Platteel, Theo Verheij, Cees Hertogh, Alma van de Pol

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Healthcare Professionals’ Perspectives on Post-Diagnostic Care for People with Vascular Cognitive Impairment: When Help Is Needed in a “No-Man’s Land”

Van de Schraaf SAJ, Rhodius-Meester HFM, Rijnsent LM, Natawidjaja MD, van den Berg E, Wolters FJ, Visser-Meily JMA, Biessels GJ, de Vugt M, Muller M, Hertogh CMPM, Sizoo EM.J

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YELLOW RoUTIne prospective cohort study protocol: insight in the dynamics of bacteria in the elderly bladder

Ruo Chen Wang, Laura W. Van Buul, Suzanne E. Geerlings, Sabine C. De Greeff, Anja Haenen, Kati Halonen, Daan W. Notermans, E. Ascelijn Reuland, Martin Smalbrugge, Jos W. R. Twisk, Caroline Schneeberger

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Potentially Inappropriate End of Life Care and Healthcare Costs in the Last 30 Days of Life in Regions Providing Integrated Palliative Care in the Netherlands: A Registration-based Study

Chantal F. R. Pereira, Anne-Floor Q. Dijxhoorn, Berdine Koekoek, Monique van den Broek, Karin van der Steen, Marijanne Engel, Marjon van Rijn, Judith M. Meijers, Jeroen Hasselaar, Agnes van der Heide, Bregje D. Onwuteaka-Philipsen, Marieke H. J. van den Beuken-van Everdingen, Yvette M. van der Linden, Manon S. Boddaert, Patrick P. T. Jeurissen, Matthias A. W. Merkx, Natasja J. H. Raijmakers

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Compiling a Set of Actionable Quality Indicators for Medical Practitioners in Dutch Nursing Homes: A Delphi Study

Gary Y C Yeung , Karlijn J Joling, Darly Dash, Patricia Jepma, Andrew P Costa , Paul R Katz , Cees M P M Hertogh, Martine C de Bruijne, Martin Smalbrugge

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Urinary Tract Infection Guideline Adherence in a Dutch Sentinel Nursing Home Surveillance Network

Gary Y C Yeung , Martin Smalbrugge, Laura W van Buul, Jeanine J S Rutten, Paul van Houten, Ineke J Gerridzen, Martine C de Bruijne, Karlijn J Joling , Cees M P M Hertogh

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Optimising personal continuity for older patients in general practice: a cluster randomised stepped wedge pragmatic trial

Lex Groot, Henk Schers , J S Burgers , Martin Smalbrugge, Annemarie A Uijen, Jeroen Hoogland, Henriëtte E van der Horst, Otto R Maarsingh 

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Authors’ response to Hughes et al. (2024)

Lihui Pu , Michel W Coppieters , Martin Smalbrugge , Cindy Jones , Joshua Byrnes , Michael Todorovic , Wendy Moyle 

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How do ageism, death anxiety and ageing anxiety among medical students and residents affect their attitude towards medical care for older patients: a systematic review

Emma J. Draper, Ariadne A. Meiboom, Nynke van Dijk, Johannes C. F. Ket, Rashmi A. Kusurkar &

Martin Smalbrugge

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Feasibility of a Novel Geriatric Rehabilitation Program for People With COPD-induced Malnutrition and Muscle Wasting: A Qualitative Study

Marieke Geerars-van der Veen, Judith Ballemans, Anna M. Bongers, Anouk van Loon en Ewout B. Smit

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Veranderende wensen bij dementie

Roos Nieuwboer, Fiore Schuthof

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Parkinsonherstelzorg in verpleeghuizen: een nationale online inventarisatie

Jeannine Jaski, Kim van Kan, Aafke de Groot, Danny Hommel

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‘Half a Marathon a Day: Excessive Walking in People With Dementia Living in Long-Term Care Facilities’

Mark M.T.J. Broekman, Ilse van den Biggelaar, Lieke S. de Vijlder, Caroline Lodema, Yvonne van der Vegte, Wim G. Groen, Eefje M. Sizoo

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‘Urinestick toont géén urineweginfectie aan’

Laura van Buul

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A case vignette study to refine the target group of an intermediate care model: the Acute Geriatric Community Hospital

Eline D. Kroeze, Aafke J. De Groot, Susanne M. Smorenburg, Janet L. Mac Neil Vroomen, Anneke J.A.H. van Vught, Bianca M. Buurman

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Associations between facial expressions and observational pain in residents with dementia and chronic pain

Lihui Pu, Michel W. Coppieters, Martin Smalbrugge, Cindy Jones, Joshua Byrnes, Michael Todorovic, Wendy Moyle

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Medicatiefouten door werkdruk

Silvia Kok, Ilse Geraedts, Marjon van Rijn, Marike de Boer

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External validation of six COVID-19 prognostic models for predicting mortality risk in older populations in a hospital, primary care, and nursing home setting

Zahra A, van Smeden M, Abbink EJ, van den Berg JM, Blom MT, van den Dries CJ, Gussekloo J, Wouters F, Joling KJ, Melis R, Mooijaart SP, Peters JB, Polinder-Bos HA, van Raaij BFM, Appelman B, la Roi-Teeuw HM, Moons KGM, Luijken K; COOP Consortium

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Het diagnostisch proces bij chorea: het belang van heroverwegen en de familieanamnese

J.J. Luykx, E. van Duijn, B. Geerdinck, E. Burgers, H.P.H. Kremer, R. Veenhuizen

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Proactieve zorgplanning bij kwetsbare ouderen

Patricia Jepma, Roel Eijk, Annigje Bos, Noor Toet, Corine Latour en Marjon van Rijn

Lees het artikel op deze website: TvZ Kennistoets: Proactieve zorgverlening bij kwetsbare ouderen – TvZ (tvznext.nl)


Experiences of Ambulatory Patients With Huntington’s Disease With Case Management: A Qualitative Study

Cindy Kruijthof, Marike E de Boer, Anouk M van Loon, Jonieke Bredewold , Loes van Dusseldorp

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A Process Evaluation of an Antibiotic Stewardship Intervention for Urinary Tract Infections in Nursing Homes

Jeanine J S Rutten, Martin Smalbrugge, Laura W van Buul, Jorna van Eijk, Suzanne E Geerlings, Stephanie Natsch, Philip D Sloane, Johannes C van der Wouden , Cees M P M Hertogh , Debby L Gerritsen

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Focusing on Provider Quality Measurement: Continued Consensus and Feasibility Testing of Practice-Based Quality Measures for Primary Care Providers in Long-Term Care

Darly Dash, Andrea Moser, Sid Feldman, Debra Saliba, Innokentiy Bakaev, Martin Smalbrugge, Benoît Robert, Jurgis Karuza, George Heckman, Paul R Katz, Andrew P Costa

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Evidence based medicine in de ouderengeneeskundige praktijk en opleiding

Eefje Sizoo, Sandra Boersma, Willem Drenthen, Maaike Scheffers-Barnhoorn, Daisy Janssen

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Leren in het verpleeghuis met spiegelinformatie

Patricia Jepma, Fenne Wouters, Gary Yeung, Nienke Fleuren, Sytse Zuidema, Cees Hertogh, Martin Smalbrugge, Karlijn Joling

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Crisisopnames op psychogeriatrische afdelingen

Nienke Buitenhuis,  Judith Morrenhof, Hannah Nuninga, Rosanne Berkhof, Eefje Sizoo

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Vascular cognitive impairment: When memory loss is not the biggest challenge

Sara AJ van de Schraaf, Merel F Smit, Majon Muller, Cees MPM Hertogh, Hanneke FM Rhodius-Meester, Eefje M Sizoo

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A Process Evaluation of an Antibiotic Stewardship Intervention for Urinary Tract Infections in Nursing Homes

Jeanine J.S. Rutten MD, Martin Smalbrugge MD, PhD, Laura W. van Buul PhD, Jorna van Eijk RN, MSc, Suzanne E. Geerlings MD, PhD, Stephanie Natsch PharmD, PhD, Philip D. Sloane MD, MPH , Johannes C. van der Wouden PhD, Cees M.P.M. Hertogh MD, PhD, Debby L. Gerritsen PhD

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De zin en onzin van het sticken van urine

Kelly Paap, Jeanine Rutten,  Laura van Buul

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The Role of Nursing Staff Regarding Goal Setting and Achieving in Geriatric Rehabilitation

A Focus Group Study

Vaalburg, Anne Marie MSc, PhD; Wattel, Elizabeth M. MSc; Boersma, Petra PhD; Hertogh, Cees M. P. M. PhD, MD; Gobbens, Robbert J. J. PhD, MScN, FEANS

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Advance Care Planning in Huntington Disease: The Elderly Care Physician’s Perspective

Marina R. Ekkel, Marja F.I.A. Depla PhD, Zahra Sakhizadah, Els M.L. Verschuur PhD, Ruth B. Veenhuizen MD, PhD, Bregje D. Onwuteaka-Philipsen PhD, Cees M.P.M. Hertogh MD, PhD

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Observation of urinary tract infection signs and symptoms in nursing home residents with impaired awareness or ability to communicate signs and symptoms: The development of supportive tools

Jorna van Eijk RN MSc, Jeanine J. S. Rutten MD, Cees M. P. M. Hertogh MD PhD, Martin Smalbrugge MD PhD, Laura W. van Buul PhD

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Association of Vulnerability Screening on Hospital Admission with Discharge to Rehabilitation-Oriented Care after Acute Hospital Stay

Aafke J. de Groot, Elizabeth M. Wattel, Romke van Balen, Cees M.P.M. Hertogh, Johannes C. van der Wouden

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More older adults died at their preferred place after implementation of a transmural care pathway for older adults at the end of life: a before-after study

Iris van Doorne, Marike A. de Meij, Juliette L. Parlevliet, Vera M. W. van Schie, Dick L. Willems, Bianca M. Buurman & Marjon van Rijn

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Development of a practical guideline for person centred goal setting in geriatric rehabilitation: a participatory action research

Elizabeth M. Wattel, Aafke J. de Groot, Sacha Deetman-van der Breggen, Robin Bonthuis,

Niels Jongejan, Marina M. R. Tol-Schilder, Johannes C. van der Wouden &  Robbert Gobbens

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Exercise testing and training in frail older adults with an orthopedic impairment participating in a geriatric rehabilitation program: an international Delphi study

Wim G. Groen, Elizabeth M. Wattel, Aafke J. de Groot, Franka J. M. Meiland, Cees M. P. M. Hertogh & Karin H. L. Gerrits

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Nursing home residents with Huntington’s disease: Heterogeneity in characteristics and functioning

Marina R. Ekkel, Ruth B. Veenhuizen, Anouk M. van Loon, Marja F.I.A. Depla, Els M.L. Verschuur, Bregje D. Onwuteaka-Philipsen, Cees M.P.M. Hertogh

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Het omgaan met verzoeken tot euthanasie bij wilsonbekwame patiënten met dementie

Coers D.O., Boer M.E. de, Sizoo E.M., Smalbrugge M., Leget C. J.W., Hertogh C.M.P.M.

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Observation of urinary tract infection signs and symptoms in nursing home residents with impaired awareness or ability to communicate signs and symptoms: The development of supportive tools

Jorna van Eijk RN MSc, Jeanine J. S. Rutten MD, Cees M. P. M. Hertogh MD PhD, Martin Smalbrugge MD PhD, Laura W. van Buul PhD

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Supporting older patients in working on rehabilitation goals: A scoping review of nursing interventions

Anne Marie Vaalburg MSc, Petra Boersma PhD, Elizabeth M. Wattel MSc, Johannes C. F. Ket Medical Information Specialist, Cees M. P. M. Hertogh PhD, Robbert J. J. Gobbens PhD

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Minder antibiotica bij urineweginfectie na interventie

Esther Hartman o.a.

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Impaired Awareness in People with Severe Alcohol-Related Cognitive Deficits Including Korskoff’s Syndrome: A Network Analysis

Hester Fidder, Ruth  B. Veenhuizen, Ineke J. Gerridzen, Wessel N. van Wieringen, Martin Smalbrugge, Cees M. P. M. Hertogh, Anouk M. van Loon.

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Prevalences and Indications of Psychotropic Drug Prescriptions in Nursing Home Residents with Korsakoff Syndrome

Ineke J. Gerridzen, Els Doejaaren, Ruth B. Veenhuizen, Cees M. P. M. Hertogh,

Karlijn J. Joling.

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The quality of geriatric rehabilitation from the patients’ perspective: a scoping review

Anne L. Lubbe, Marjon van Rijn, Wim G. Groen, Sophie Hilhorst, George L. Burchell, Cees M. P. M. Hertogh, Margriet C Pol.

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Effect of a multifaceted antibiotic stewardship intervention to improve antibiotic prescribing for suspected urinary tract infections in frail older adults (ImpresU): pragmatic cluster randomised controlled trial in four European countries

Esther A R Hartman, Alma C van de Pol, Silje Rebekka Heltveit-Olsen, Morten Lindbæk, Sigurd Høye, Sara Sofia Lithén, Pär-Daniel Sundvall, Sofia Sundvall, Egill Snaebjörnsson Arnljots, Ronny Gunnarsson, Anna Kowalczyk,  Maciek Godycki-Cwirko,  Tamara N Platteel, Wim G Groen, Annelie A Monnier, Nicolaas P Zuithoff,  Theo J M Verheij, Cees M P M Hertogh.

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What we don’t need to prove but need to do in multidisciplinary treatment and care in Huntington’s disease: a position paper

Alzbeta Mühlbӓck, Marleen van Walsem, Martha Nance, Astri Arnesen, Kirsty Page, Alexandra Fisher, Manon van Kampen, Angela Nuzzi, Roy Limpert, Hanne Ludt Fossmo, Travis Cruickshank, Ruth Veenhuizen

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Welke kwetsbare oudere heeft nu écht een urineweginfectie?

Jeanine J.S. Rutten, Esther A.R. Hartman, Tessa M.Z.X.K. van Horrik, Laura W. van Buul, Suzanne E. Geerlings, Cees M.P.M. Hertogh

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Effectiveness of transmural team-based palliative care in prevention of hospitalizations in patients at the end of life: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Isabelle Flierman, Elske Gieteling, Marjon Van Rijn, Bastiaan Van Grootven, Iris van Doorne, Faridi S. Jamaludin, Dick L Willems, Majon Muller en Bianca M. Buurman

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Dealing with requests for euthanasia in incompetent patients with dementia. Qualitative research revealing underexposed aspects of the societal debate.

Djura O. Coers, Marike E. de Boer, Eefje M. Sizoo, Martin Smalbrugge, Carlo J.W. Leget, Cees M.P.M. Hertogh

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Effectiveness of outpatient geriatric rehabilitation after inpatient geriatric rehabilitation or hospitalisation: a systematic review and meta-analysis 

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Evaluating the feasibility, experiences, facilitators of and barriers to carers and volunteers delivering Namaste Care to people with dementia in their own home: a qualitative interview study in the UK and the Netherlands.

Haaksma ML, O’Driscoll C, Joling KJ, Achterberg WP, Francke AL, van der Steen JT, Smaling HJA.

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Prediction models for the prediction of unplanned hospital admissions in community-dwelling older adults: A systematic review.

Klunder JH, Panneman SL, Wallace E, de Vries R, Joling KJ, Maarsingh OR, van Hout HPJ.

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The Effects of the 2020 COVID-19 Lockdown on Mood, Behavior, and Social and Cognitive Functioning in Older Long-Term Care Residents.

Angevaare MJ, Joling KJ, Smalbrugge M, Hertogh CMPM, Twisk JWR, van Hout HPJ.

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The Association Between Possible Stressors and Mood Outcomes in Older Residents of Long-Term Care Facilities.

Angevaare MJ, van Hout HPJ, Smalbrugge M, Blankenstein AH, Hertogh CMPM, Twisk JWR, Joling KJ.

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Occurrence and Timing of Advance Care Planning in Persons With Dementia in General Practice: Analysis of Linked Electronic Health Records and Administrative Data.

Azizi B, Tilburgs B, van Hout HPJ, van der Heide I, Verheij RA, Achterberg WP, van der Steen JT, Joling KJ.

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Pijn en neurocognitieve stoornissen: stand van zaken en de weg nog te gaan

Wilco P. Achterberg, Margot W. M. de Waal, J.M.J. (Juanita) Cheuk-A-Lam – Balrak, Petra Crutzen-Braaksma, Annelore van Dalen-Kok, Paulien van Dam, Nanda C. de Knegt, Janine van Kooten, Frank Lobbezoo, Hanneke J. A. Smaling, Gregory P. Sprenger, Jenny T. van der Steen, Carolien (N.J.) de Vries, Sandra M.G. Zwakhalen, Martin Smalbrugge, Joukje M. Oosterman

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Patient perspectives on advance euthanasia directives in Huntington’s disease. A qualitative interview study

Marina R Ekkel , Marja F I A Depla, Els M L Verschuur , Ruth B Veenhuizen, Cees M P M Hertogh, Bregje D Onwuteaka-Philipsen

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Methenamine hippurate to prevent recurrent urinary tract infections in older women: protocol for a randomised, placebo-controlled trial (ImpresU)

Heltveit-Olsen SR, Sundvall PD, Gunnarsson R, Snaebjörnsson Arnljots E,

Kowalczyk A, Godycki-Cwirko M, Platteel TN, Koning HAM, Groen WG, Åhrén C, Grude

N, Verheij TJM, Hertogh CMPM, Lindbaek M, Hoye S.

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Challenges in the implementation and evaluation of a transmural palliative care pathway for acutely hospitalized older adults; lessons from the PalliSupport program: A qualitative process evaluation study

I van Doorne, V M W van Schie, J L Parlevliet, D L Willems, M van Rijn, B M Buurman

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Naar een toekomstbestendige medische zorg voor ouderen met complexe multimorbiditeit door interprofessionele samenwerking: leren van ervaringen uit de langdurige zorg

Marjon van Rijn, Iris van Doorne, Maaike C.C. Bierstekers, Martin Smalbrugge

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COVID-19 registratie in Ysis. Belangrijke inzichten voor het zorgbeleid en besluitvorming

Karlijn Joling, Fenne Wouters, Anouk van Loon, Cees Hertogh

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De zoektocht naar een beweeginterventie voor ouderen op een psychogeriatrie afdeling. Resultaat van het project Careyn in Beweging – Winnaar UNO Praktijkprijs 2019

Kevin Achten, Christelle Gravier-Farce, Laurien Husmann-Jüch en Jeanette Reijersen

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Risk of Death in Nursing Home Residents After COVID-19 Vaccination

Fenne Wouters 1, Anouk M van Loon 2, Jeanine J S Rutten 2, Martin Smalbrugge 2, Cees M P M Hertogh 2, Karlijn J Joling 2

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Psychotropic drug treatment for agitated behaviour in dementia: what if the guideline prescribing recommendations are not sufficient? A qualitative study.

Margaretha T Dijk, Sarah Tabak, Cees M P M Hertogh, Rob M Kok, Rob J van Marum, Sytse U Zuidema, Eefje M Sizoo, Martin Smalbrugge.

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Cost-effectiveness and return-on-investment of C-reactive protein point-of-care testing in comparison with usual care to reduce antibiotic prescribing for lower respiratory tract infections in nursing homes: a cluster randomised trial

Tjarda M Boere, Mohamed El Alili, Laura W van Buul, Rogier M Hopstaken, Theo J M Verheij, Cees M P M Hertogh, Maurits W van Tulder, Judith E Bosmans

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Decisions on antibiotic prescribing for suspected urinary tract infections in frail older adults: a qualitative study in four European countries

Esther A R Hartman, Wim G Groen, Silje Rebekka Heltveit-Olsen, Morten Lindbæk, Sigurd Høye, Pär-Daniel Sundvall, Ingmarie Skoglund, Egill Snaebjörnsson Arnljots, Ronny Gunnarsson, Anna Kowalczyk, Maciek Godycki-Cwirko, Katarzyna Kosiek, Tamara N Platteel, Alma C van de Pol, Theo J M Verheij, Annelie A Monnier, Cees M P M Hertogh

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Effectiveness and characteristics of physical fitness training on aerobic fitness in vulnerable older adults: an umbrella review of systematic reviews

Dennis Visser, Lizette Wattel, Karin Gerrits, Hans van der Wouden, Franka Meiland, Aafke de Groot, Elise Jansma, Cees Hertogh, Ewout Smit

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Parkinson rehabilitation in nursing homes: a qualitative exploration of the experiences of patients and caregivers

Hester Fidder, Joannina J. Jaski, Eskeline Elbertse, Anouk M. van Loon, Annelie A. Monnier, Marike E. de Boer, Aafke J. de Groot

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The Recovery After COVID-19 in Nursing Home Residents

Inge E J van der Krogt, Eefje M Sizoo, Anouk M van Loon, Simone A Hendriks, Martin Smalbrugge

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The course of neuropsychiatric symptoms and psychotropic drug use in Dutch nursing home patients with dementia during the first wave of COVID-19: A longitudinal cohort study

Eefje M. Sizoo, Josi A. Thunnissen, Anouk M. van Loon, Claire L. Brederveld, Helma Timmer, Simone Hendriks, Martin Smalbrugge

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Referral to geriatric rehabilitation: a scoping review of triage factors in acutely hospitalized older patients

Aafke J. de Groot, Elizabeth M. Wattel, Carmen S. van Dam, Romke van Balen, Johannes C. van der Wouden, Cees M. P. M. Hertogh

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Advance Care Planning in Dutch Nursing Homes During the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic

Bastiaan P.H. ter Brugge, Vera A. van Atteveld, Nienke Fleuren, Margo H. Douma, Mieke B. van der Ploeg, Jelle E. Hoeksma, Martin Smalbrugge, Eefje M. Sizoo

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The Need to Consider Relocations WITHIN Long-Term Care

Bram de Boer PhD, Monique Caljouw PhD, Elleke Landeweer PhD, Marieke Perry PhD, Annerieke Stoop PhD, Wim Groen PhD, Jos Schols PhD, Hilde Verbeek PhD, RELOCARE Consortium

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Slowing: A Vascular Geriatric Syndrome?

Sara A.J. van de Schraaf MSc a b, Hanneke F.M. Rhodius-Meester MD, PhD a c, Laurien Aben PhD d, Eefje M. Sizoo MD, PhD b, Mike J.L. Peters MD, PhD a, Marijke C. Trappenburg MD, PhD a e, Cees M.P.M. Hertogh MD, PhD b, Martin Klein PhD d, Majon Muller MD, PhD a

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An Electronic Health Record Integrated Decision Tool and Supportive Interventions to Improve Antibiotic Prescribing for Urinary Tract Infections in Nursing Homes: A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial

Jeanine J.S. Rutten, Laura W. van Buul, Martin Smalbrugge, Suzanne E. Geerlings, Debby L. Gerritsen, Stephanie Natsch, Philip D. Sloane, Johannes C. van der Wouden, Jos W.R. Twisk, Cees M.P.M. Hertogh

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Triage voor revalidatie na een beroerte

Pieteke van Weperen, Elske van den Akker, Aafke de Groot, Caroline van Heugten, Vincent Kwa, Gert Kwakkel, Monique Lindhout, Femke Nouwens, Esther Steultjens, Cora Treuren, Sven Schiemanck

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Hora Est: future care; advance care planning with older people and their families in general practice

Nienke Fleuren

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Het beloop na covid-19 bij verpleeghuisbewoners

Inge van der Krogt, Eefje Sizoo, Anouk van Loon, Martin Smalbrugge

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ACP in verpleeghuizen tijdens de covid-19 pandemie

Bas ter Brugge, Vera van Atteveld, Nienke Fleuren, Margo Douma, Mieke van der Ploeg, Jelle Hoeksma, Martin Smalbrugge, Eefje Sizoo

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Overlijdensrisico na covid-19 vaccinatie

Fenne Wouters, Anouk van Loon, Ineke Gerridzen, Jeanine Rutten, Martin Smalbrugge, Cees Hertogh, Karlijn Joling

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Het effect van de sluiting in 2020 op bewoners

Milou Angevaare, Karlijn Joling, Martin Smalbrugge, Nettie Blankenstein, Cees Hertogh, Hein van Hout

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Euthanasia in dementia underexposed aspects of the debate

Djura Coers, Marike de Boer, Eefje Sizoo, Martin Smalbrugge, Carlo Leget, Cees Hertogh

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Psychotropic drug treatment for agitated behavior in dementia

Marlies Dijk, Sarah Tabak, Cees Hertogh, Rob Kok, Rob van Marum, Sytse Zuidema, Eefje Sizoo, Martin Smalbrugge

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Clinical evaluation of single-swab sampling for rapid COVID-19 detection in outbreak settings in Dutch nursing homes.
Kelly C Paap, Anouk M van Loon, Fleur M Koene, Laura W van Buul, Suzanne Jurriaans, Martin Smalbrugge, Menno D de Jong, Cees MPM Hertogh

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Symptom-and Prevention-based Testing of COVID-19 in Nursing Home Residents: A Retrospective Cohort Study

Kelly C Paap, Anouk M van Loon, Sarian M van Rijs, Esther Helmich, Bianca M Buurman, Martin Smalbrugge, Cees MPM Hertogh

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Effect of C reactive protein point-of-care testing on antibiotic prescribing for lower respiratory tract infections in nursing home residents

Boere TM, van Buul LW, Hopstaken RM, van Tulder MW, Twisk JWMR, Verheij TJM, Hertogh CMPM.

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Implementation and Use of Point-of-Care C-Reactive Protein Testing in Nursing Homes.

Boere TM, Hopstaken RM, van Tulder MW, Schellevis FG, Verheij TJM, Hertogh CMPM, van Buul LW.

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Dementia and Parkinson’s Disease: Risk Factors for 30-Day Mortality in Nursing Home Residents with COVID-19

Rutten JJS, van Kooten J, van Loon AM, van Buul LW, Joling KJ, Smalbrugge M, Hertogh CMPM.

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Are presymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infections in nursing home residents unrecognized symptomatic infections? Sequence and metadata from weekly testing in an extensive nursing home outbreak.

Van den Besselaar JH, Sikkema RS, Koene FMHPA, van Buul LW, Oude Munnink BB, Frénay I, Te Witt R, Koopmans MPG, Hertogh CMPM, Buurman BM.

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Vertraging bij ouderen: een vasculair geriatrische syndroom?

Sara A.J. van de Schraaf etc.

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Hoe ervaren aios onderwijs over intimiteit en seksualiteit in de ouderengeneeskunde?

GERION: AIOS Micky Las van Bennekom en docent Eefje Sizoo

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Belevingsonderzoek Dwang in de Zorg

Over het cliëntperspectief bij onvrijwillige zorg

Marike de Boer

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Uit de ouderengeneeskundige praktijk

Sanne Bakuwel

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Vijf jaar universitaire praktijk ouderengeneeskunde: gebruikers, geleverde zorg, kosten en ervaringen

Brigit Ronde, Hana M. Broulikova, Judith E. Bosmans, Franka J.M. Meiland

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Case managers over hun rol bij (toekomstige) euthanasiewensen van mensen met dementie

Marjolijn A. van Daalen, Eefje M. Sizoo, Simone A. Hendriks, Annelie A. Monnier, Marike de Boer, Cees M.P.M. Hertogh

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Weefseldonatie na overlijden in twee woonzorginstellingen, Wie kan er geven?

Lusanne den Hartigh, Nick Bentvelzen, Karolien Biesheuvel-Leliefeld, Eefje Sizoo

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SANO: zorg vanuit de beleving van de cliënt!

Marike de Boer, Ineke Gerridzen, Lobke Bulk

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Hora-est: Patient-centeredness in geriatric rehabilitation

Dennis Visser

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Ingezonden reactie op artikel: De behandeling van agitatie bij dementie 

Martin Smalbrugge, Sytse Zuidema

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De behandeling van agitatie bij dementie

Vera van Atteveld, Bas ter Brugge

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Reopening the doors of Dutch nursing homes during the COVID-19 crisis: results of an in-depth monitoring

Raymond T. C. M. Koopmans, Hilde Verbeek, Annemiek Bielderman, Meriam M. Janssen, Anke Persoon, Ivonne Lesman-Leegte, Eefje M. Sizoo, Jan P. H. Hamers, Debby L. Gerritsen.
Lees het artikel via deze link.


Goal‐setting in geriatric rehabilitation: Can the nursing profession meet patients’ needs? A narrative review.

Anne Marie Vaalburg MSc, PhD‐student, Elizabeth Wattel MSc, Petra Boersma PhD, RN (not practicing), Cees Hertogh PhD, MD Robbert Gobbens PhD, MScN, RN (not practicing), FEANS.
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Gaining insight into the views of outpatients with Huntington’s disease regarding their future and the way they deal with their poor prognosis: a qualitative study

M.R. Ekkel, M.F.I.A. Depla, E.M.L. Verschuur, R.B. Veenhuizen, C.M.P.M. Hertogh en B.D. Onwuteaka-Philipsen.

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Clinical suspicion of COVID-19 in nursing home residents: symptoms and mortality risk factors (Jamda.com)

Jeanine J.S. Rutten MD, MSc *, Anouk M. van Loon PhD, Janine van Kooten MD, PhD, Laura W. van Buul PhD, Karlijn J. Joling PhD, Martin Smalbrugge MD, PhD, Cees M.P.M. Hertogh MD.

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Dilemmas with restrictive visiting policies in Dutch nursing homes during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative analysis of an open-ended questionnaire with elderly care physicians – journal of the American medical directors association (Jamda.com)

Eefje M. Sizoo, Annelie A. Monnier, Maryam Bloemen, Cees M.P.M. Hertogh, Martin Smalbrugge

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Asymptomatic cases and limited transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in residents and healthcare workers in three Dutch nursing homes

L.W. van Buul, J.H. van den Besselaar, F.M.H.P.H. Koene, B.M. Buurman, C.M.P.M. Hertogh.

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Underlying goals of advance care planning (ACP): a qualitative analysis of the literature

N. Fleuren, M.F.I.A. Depla, D.J.A. Janssen, M. Huisman, C.M.P.M. Hertogh. Lees het artikel hier.


Psychotropic drug prescription rates in primary care for people with dementia from recorded diagnosis onwards

K. Joling, M. ten Koppel, H. van Hout, B. Onwuteaka‐Philipsen, A. Francke, R. Verheij, J. Twisk, R. van Marum. Lees het artikel hier.


Caregivers’ perspectives on good care for nursing home residents with Korsakoff syndrome.

I. Gerridzen, C. Hertogh, K. Joling, R. Veenhuizen, E. Verschuur, T. Janssen, M. Depla. Lees het artikel hier.


Symptom based and transmission-prevention based testing in long-term care facilities: Symptomatology, clinical course and mortality for residents with COVID-19.

K.Paap, A. van Loon, S. van Rijs, E. Helmich, B. Buurman, M. Smalbrugge, C. Hertogh. Lees het artikel hier.


Is There a Relation Between Caregiver Burden and Cognitive Dysfunction in Huntington’s Disease?

M. Schumacher-Kuiper, A. M. van Loon, C. F. W. Peeters, M. R. Ekkel, C. M. P. M. Hertogh, R. B. Veenhuizen. Lees het artikel hier.


Onvervulde behoefte om met de arts te spreken over advance care planning

Nienke Fleuren, Martijn Huisman. Lees het artikel hier.


Antibiotic prescribing and non-prescribing in nursing home residents with signs and symptoms ascribed to urinary tract infection (ANNA): study protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial.

Jeanine Rutten, Laura van Buul, Martin Smalbrugge, Suzanne Geerlings, Debby Gerritsen, Stephanie Natsch, Philip Sloane, Ruth Veenhuizen, Johannes  van der Wouden & Cees Hertogh. Lees het artikel hier.

COVID-19 in verpleeghuizen. Een studie naar diagnostiek, ziektepresentatie en ziektebeloop. 

Jeanine Rutten, Anouk van Loon, Karlijn Joling, Martin Smalbrugge, Laura van Buul en Cees Hertogh.
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Caregivers’ perspectives on good care for nursing home residents with Korsakoff syndrome.

Ineke Gerridzen, Cees Hertogh, Karlijn Joling, Ruth Veenhuizen, Els Verschuur, Tjeu Janssen, Marja Depla. Lees het artikel hier.


Dilemma’s door bezoekbeperkingen in het verpleeghuis. Welke aspecten spelen een rol om tot weloverwogen besluiten te komen?

Eefje Sizoo, Annelie Monnier, Cees Hertogh, Martin Smalbrugge. Lees het artikel hier.


Advance care planning is geen triage-instrument

Nienke Fleuren, Daisy Janssen, Cees Hertogh. Lees het artikel hier.


Time from diagnoses to institutionalization and death in people with dementia.

Karlijn J. Joling, Olin Janssen, Anneke L. Francke, Robert A. Verheij, Birgit I. Lissenberg-Witte, Pieter-Jelle Visser, Hein P.J. van Hout. Lees het artikel hier.


Antibiotic stewardship in European nursing homes: experiences from the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, and Sweden.

Van Buul LW, Monnier AA, Sundvall PD, Ulleryd P, Godycki-Cwirko M, Kowalczyk A, Lindbaek M, Hertogh CMPM.

J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2020;21(1):34-40.e1. Lees het artikel hier.


Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention of Urinary Tract Infections in Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Settings: A Consensus Statement from AMDA’s Infection Advisory Subcommittee.

Ashraf MS, Gaur S, Bushen OY, Chopra T, Chung P, Clifford K, Hames E, Hertogh CMPM, Krishna A, Mahajan D, Mehr DR, Nalls V, Rowe TA, Schweon SJ, Sloane PD, Trivedi KK, Van Buul LW, Jump RLP –on behalf of the Infection Advisory SubCommittee for AMDA—The Society of Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine.

J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2020;21(1):12-24.e2. Lees het artikel hier.


Systematic review on barriers and facilitators of complex interventions for residents with dementia in long-term care.

Groot Kormelinck CM, Janus SIM, Smalbrugge M, Gerritsen DL, Zuidema SU.

Int Psychogeriatr. 2020 Feb 7:1-17. doi: 10.1017/S1041610220000034. [Epub ahead of print]

Lees het artikel hier.


Specific components of a complex depression care program can affect staff outcomes differently: post-hoc analyses of a stepped-wedge cluster-randomized trial in nursing homes.

Leontjevas R, Hooijschuur L, Smalbrugge M, Koopmans RTCM, Gerritsen DL.

Int Psychogeriatr. 2020 Jan 17:1-10. doi: 10.1017/S1041610219002151. [Epub ahead of print]  Lees het artikel hier.


Cost-consequence analysis of an intervention for the management of neuropsychiatric symptoms in young-onset dementia: Results from the BEYOND-II study.

van Duinen-van den IJssel JCL, Bakker C, Smalbrugge M, Zwijsen SA, Adang E, Appelhof B, Zuidema SU, De Vugt ME, Verhey FRJ, Koopmans RTCM.

Int J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2020 Jan;35(1):131-137. doi: 10.1002/gps.5229. Epub 2019 Nov 7. Lees het artikel hier.


Time from diagnosis to institutionalization and death in people with dementia.

Joling KJ, Janssen O, Francke AL, et al. Alzheimer’s Dement. 2020;1–10. Lees het artikel hier.


Strategies for the implementation of palliative care education and organizational interventions in long-term care facilities: A scoping review.

Collingridge Moore D, Payne S, Van den Block L, Ling J, Froggatt K; PACE.

Palliat Med. 2020 Feb 3:269216319893635. doi: 10.1177/0269216319893635. [Epub ahead of print] Lees het artikel hier.


Underlying goals of advance care planning (ACP): a qualitative analysis of the literature

Fleuren N, Depla MFIA, Janssen DJA, Huisman M, Hertogh CMPM. Lees het artikel hier.


Using point-of-care C-reactive protein to guide antibiotic prescribing for lower respiratory tract infections in elderly nursing home residents (UPCARE): study design of a cluster randomized controlled trial.

Boere, TM, van Buul, LW, Hopstaken RM, Veenhuizen RB, van Tulder MW, Cals JWL, Verheij TJM, Hertogh CMPM. BMC Health Serv Res. 2020;20:149. Lees het artikel hier.



Themagroep UNO-VUmc ontwikkelt factsheet over initiatieven rondom antibioticaresistentie in de langdurige zorg.

Van Buul LW, Beckers A, Edwards van Muijen J, Vergeer W, Hertogh C.

Tijdschrift voor Ouderengeneeskunde. 2019;4. Lees het artikel hier.


Risk factors for suicidal thoughts in informal caregivers: results from the population-based Netherlands mental health survey and incidence Study-2 (NEMESIS-2).

Joling KJ, Ten Have M, De Graaf R, O ‘Dwyer ST.

BMC Psychiatry. 2019 Oct 28;19(1):320. doi: 10.1186/s12888-019-2317-y. Lees het artikel hier.


Internet based vestibular rehabilitation with and without physiotherapy support for adults aged 50 and older with a chronic vestibular syndrome in general practice: three armed randomised controlled trial.

Van Vugt VA, Van der Wouden JC, Essery R, Yardley L, Twisk JWR, Van der Horst HE, Maarsingh OR. BMJ 2019;367:l5922. Lees het artikel hier.


Evaluating the implementation of the PACE Steps to Success Programme in long-term care facilities in seven countries according to the RE-AIM framework.

Oosterveld-Vlug M, Onwuteaka-Philipsen B, Ten Koppel M, Van Hout H, Smets T, Pivodic L, Tanghe M, Van Den Noortgate N, Hockley J, Payne S, Moore DC, Kijowska V, Szczerbińska K, Kylänen M, Leppäaho S, Mercuri C, Rossi P, Mercuri M, Gambassi G, Bassal C, de Paula EM, Engels Y, Deliens L, Van den Block L, Pasman HR; PACE trial group.

Implement Sci. 2019 Dec 19;14(1):107. doi: 10.1186/s13012-019-0953-8. Lees het artikel hier.


Evaluation of a Palliative Care Program for Nursing Homes in 7 Countries: The PACE Cluster-Randomized Clinical Trial.

Van den Block L, Honinx E, Pivodic L, Miranda R, Onwuteaka-Philipsen BD, Van Hout H, Pasman HRW, Oosterveld-Vlug M, Ten Koppel M, Piers R, Van Den Noortgate N, Engels Y, Vernooij-Dassen M, Hockley J, Froggatt K, Payne S, Szczerbinska K, Kylänen M, Gambassi G, Pautex S, Bassal C, De Buysser S, Deliens L, Smets T; PACE trial group.

JAMA Intern Med. 2019 Nov 11:1-10. doi: 10.1001/jamainternmed.2019.5349. [Epub ahead of print] Lees het artikel hier.


Agreement of Nursing Home Staff With Palliative Care Principles: A PACE Cross-sectional Study Among Nurses and Care Assistants in Five European Countries.

Honinx E, Smets T, Piers R, Deliens L, Payne S, Kylänen M, Barańska I, Pasman HRW, Gambassi G, Van den Block L; PACE; European Association for Palliative Care vzw; European Forum For Primary Care; Age Platform Europe, and Alzheimer Europe.

J Pain Symptom Manage. 2019 Nov;58(5):824-834. doi: 10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2019.06.015. Epub 2019 Jul 31. Lees het artikel hier.


The Prevalence and Persistence of Dizziness in Older European Home Care Recipients: A Prospective Cohort Study.

Stam H, van Vugt VA, Twisk JWR, Finne-Soveri H, Garms-Homolová V, Declercq A, Jónsson PV, Onder G, van der Roest HG, Van Hout H, Maarsingh OR.

J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2019 Oct 28. pii: S1525-8610(19)30666-8. doi: 10.1016/j.jamda.2019.09.008. [Epub ahead of print] Lees het artikel hier.